Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Kind Of Weave Does Lala Wear,


The picture is not very good, but the fault of the damn wind that has made these days, I have to repeat it, but ... I think you can get an idea as has been the top of this quilt. A long time ago that the star did in class, and the idea of \u200b\u200b"larger" was in the closet of the "ufos" ... is what makes "the desire to do a thousand things" ... you go from one to another, and always leave something unfinished ... What can we do?, Is part of the majority of which are dedicated to this honorable exceptions like my friend M. Carmen Bernabé, which ends EVERYTHING!, That's not normal ... but she is special, admittedly (the 1st was. Award Sitges hand quilting this year ... I tell ya!).
Well, what was ...
as I said this summer that had to do something with that closet full of UFOs, and took the star "rose", and decided that ... Here!, Had to finish ...
like going on a bed of 90, just had to add enough to cover the foot of the bed and pillows, and as I have an uncontrollable urge to put houses or Christmas where you least expect it, so ...
in the head .... a house, with branches of flowers to match the other edge, and feet ... stars ... and as there were empty spaces ... since some birds ...
I love as it is becoming ...
and say it as it is becoming, because now comes "the fun": Padded, almost anythin!
but that I leave this winter, which happens to give me warmth ...
will be padded by hand, I think it will be better than a machine ... this is "one of project "this winter ...


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