Sunday, November 21, 2010

Walmarts Realistic Toy Guns


Victoria Cb suffered and worked the Horn Priego at home to CBP Vicar. The locals knew that to leave the victory at home (where it has its matches with victories) the defense should do their best weapon, and it happened with a strong defense succeeded in making the biggest drag on the visitors (his turnovers continuous) is become his way to write fluently, leaving a score of 24-9 after the first quarter that ultimately decided the match. The second quarter was marked by errors in the release of both sets and the struggle in defense, leaving a score 11-12, which left the premises in a good position ahead of the second half. But Almeria pulled pride and led by Linares (20 points 13 in this room) and a 3-2 defense overcame a 12-27 party endorsing partial and demonstrating what they can get to do on the track. The last quarter was frantic and had yet to be decided, but the faults and the accumulated fatigue of visitors joined the strong performance of local Tarrier, R (22 points 11 in the fourth quarter with 3 triples) Vicar CBP prevented the release his locker wins. In all stressed Almeria Alvaro (14 points and 9 fouls received), Eliot (11 points and 10 rebounds) and Baker (20 points and 8 rebounds).


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