Monday, February 7, 2011

Birth Certificate Wording

St. Stanislaus 83-55 CBP VICAR CBP.VÍCAR

Vícar CBP could not be imposed on the league leaders and fell on his visit to Malaga. The leader came to close the game from the first quarter (21-11) with the player 10 Ripoll, AM (19) dominating the game giving his team scoring with two squires as 15 Pineda, J (15) and 6 Basque, J (10 ), took visitors to record losses in static counter and these players together with the physical superiority within a slab were too heavy for Almeria. In the second quarter widened the gap to 8 points of income (from 1944 to 1926 to rest) and practically decided the match for the local. The third quarter would result in the improvement of team vicar (18-15) with annotation of their bases 4 Molina (9) and Fernandez 13 (14). At the end the team Malaga pressed not to give rise to the visitors would get involved in the match and closed with a 21-14 in the fourth quarter that would leave a large gap on the scoreboard, which separates these two teams in the table without any surprises Sunday morning. The Vicar CBP must wait days to get wings following the long-awaited victory. San Estanislao

83: Headlines: Basque 6, J (10), 10 Sanchez, R (19), 11 Espinosa, J (8 1 Triple). 13 Samaniego, J (-), 14 Verdejo, M (7). Also participated: 5 Ciano, N (3 1 Triple), 8 Ripoll, A (10), 9 Ferreira, R (2), 12 Rods, A (11) and 15 Pineda, J (15 1 Triple). CBP
55: Headlines: 4 Molina, P (9), Take 6, A (June 2 Triples), 7 Rodriguez, F (1), 14 Maillo, S (6),, 15 Carrasco, E (7). Also participating: 13 Fernandez, A (14 1 Triple), 5 Linares, FM (6), 16 Moreno, JA (-) and 12 Garcia, A (6). New


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