Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Does Tequilla Csuse Headaches


maximum equality Party claimed that the local due to faults in the final shots of Cbp Vicar and turnovers that gave wings to the abderitanos. The match was marked at all times by low income advantage of either team but it did seem that the visitors dominated the scoreboard and could open gap at the beginning of the meeting, but a good 10 Morales, J by the local (scored 25 points with 4 triples) became the decisive factor that allowed the local remain in the game and eventually the win. At the break was reached with an income in favor of Cbp Vicar of a point (27-28) with a large 15 Carrasco, E. and even less scoring also reflected in the match the performance of base 13 Fernandez, A part of the vicars. The party resolved on defense and both teams tried to put the maximum intensity with their rings and coaches were alternating defenses with the aim of destabilizing attacks rivals, this being the keynote of the whole game. The last two rooms serve for the match the match ADRAMA Cd through a basket in the final minute of 12 Martorell, B. Although the visitors had an action to avoid the extension failed to score and it came down to five minutes of extra time, where locals were more accurate from the line staff (up to 9 free throws shot by 6 visitors) what that allowed them to score a victory to win his locker. Too bad for the Cbp
Vicar who blew a great chance to score victories in these last few days and make up their season so that they seem to came late, as it has nothing to do with a good game unfolded in recent days with reflecting the leaderboard. CD

ADRAMA: Headlines: 10 Morales, J (April 25 Triples), 13 Martin, AM (13 1 Triple), 12 Martorell, B (14 1 Triple). 15 Morales, M (3), 8 Galeote, F (13), also participated: 7 Brabezo, JC (4), 11 Miguel, M (-), 14 Fernandez, JP (-). CBP

VICAR: Headlines: 13 Fernandez, A (February 15 Triples), 4 Molina, P (2), 5 Martin, JL (7 1 Triple), 16 Moreno, JA (9), 15 Carrasco, E (12) . Also participating: 18 Linares, FM (13 2 Triples), 8 Miras, J (-), 16 Salinas, R (-) and 14 Maillo, S (8) Partial

: 13-17, 14-11, 15-14, 19-19 - 11 extra period -5


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