Sunday, February 13, 2011

Freeze Bucket Margaritas Faster


Saturday, February 12, 11:00 am:

this day my friends and I, we held a cuatricumpleaƱos, ie four of us met and decided to make a fourfold Fiestra!
Everything was great, minus the time .... not never forgive you, because of him I did not eat ...
had so many laughs in

So many unforgettable moments,
meaningless games ...

Friends already barely remembered

Gluehird strange ....

uncontrolled laughter for these pictures ...

Amores without limits ...

Photos that embarrass me ... (well not so much)

Dance ... many dances ...

New friends ...

friends only with unique glasses ....

Falls unforgettable ...

Food not very good ...

A bus full of people who "knew" ... for example the blue and I do not remember who it was ...

very nice people that I met there ....

birthdays and they deserved this party!


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