Monday, March 14, 2011

Antifreeze Agent For Coconut Oil


The Vicar Cbp could not stand up for victory in the meet on Saturday afternoon against Adaba. The visitors made a terrible first half in which comfortable shooting situations allowed the locals who scored fluently, with the split of the first two quarters 20-10 and 15-13 respectively. In the second part of the zone defense of visitors allowed to see a more level meeting (22-19) in which the premises had to work to stop the counter from the visiting team that took over six minutes of bonus free throws available . The last quarter was the pride where vicars were able to reduce local income only 4 points with a part of 0-15 led by 18 Linares, FM almost followed with 9 points in these minutes. But the lack of success of the local to the zone defense made him a hit from the line staff (only score from that position would get the last 6 minutes of the fourth. But the visiting players continually failed outside shots and easy baskets in the paint (was the keynote of the whole game) and failed to complete the comeback.

ADABAS Gardenhotel 66: Headlines: 10 Sanchez, J (September 2 Triples), 18 Blades, A (February 16 Triples), 17 Smith, A (11 3 Triples), 5 Domene, A (4), 15 Ortiz, I (8), also participated: 12 Valero, JS (8 1 Triple), 7 Jimenez, JM (-) 8 Brown, JD (-), 9 Gonzalez, A (8), 19 Salvatierra, IA (-), 6 Bueso, A (-) and 16 Carreno, S (2). CBP
57: Headlines: 13 Fernandez, A (9), 4 Molina, P (6), 5 Martin, JL (2), 14 Maillo, S (13), 16 Moreno, JA (4). Also participating: 18 Linares, FM (9 1 Triple), 12 Tome, A (-), 9 Carrión, A (4), 15 Carrasco, E (4), 10 Miras, J (-), 17 García, A ( 2) and 7 Rodriguez, F (4 1 Triple). Partial

: 20-10, 15-13, 22-19, 9-15


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