Friday, March 25, 2011

Programme Carte De Shower

Some guidelines to breathe properly to yield more and better

Breathing is an important part to take into account time aerobic exercise. When we exercise our body increases its velocity and therefore oxygen demand is greatest. This is the reason that makes our breathing is accelerated, a process that we manage to get the best results to time to perform at their best and achieve a perfect performance of activities that are taking place. Therefore, in this post we will give some breathing patterns correctly.
On countless occasions we have commented that the energy required for physical activity is obtained from the burning of oxygen. That is why the breath is more important than we think, and they did well will help us optimize our energy to get and hold a lot more when doing any exercise. It is therefore important not to leave to chance the respiratory process, but control at all times for best results.
appropriate respiratory
First we must be aware of the process that develops in our bodies when we breathe and having fun. At rest breathing is an automatic act control than at any time and we are not aware, but to make sport things change, since increases thoracic capacity to receive more air. The diaphragm must be opened for more air, and so we can facilitate this action while keeping your abs contracted're doing the activity, and thus forcing the upper chest to open.
to maintain posture during exercise is essential if we optimize the reception of oxygen, as it is important that we maintain high the part of the chest to facilitate the entry of oxygen when you breathe. In addition, this position will also facilitate the removal of carbon dioxide body carbon. It is necessary that we control this at all times and do not acquire services such as bending back in or leave the abdominal area too relaxed, as the reception of oxygen is not as effective.

-Inspiration and expiration
Another point to keep in mind is how we have to get the oxygen , since it is essential to know how we inhale and exhale the oxygen in our body, because in this way, and maintaining the position cited above, we will achieve maximum performance and maximum oxygenation of the body. The process of inspiration is very important because it is when we receive the oxygen street. This process should be done through the nose while exhaling through your mouth will be developed, allowing us to quickly remove air from the body.
This is the ideal situation but we must remember that when physical activity is high and oxygen demand soars oxygen is also necessary to inspire the mouth and the nostrils are not sufficient to receive the stream required. Yet it is always best to breathe through the nose, the mouth does not warm the air and clean it of impurities, run a higher risk of irritating the throat and getting a respiratory infection.
is important to take this into account when doing aerobic exercise, and that breathing is an important step that must be checked at any time and we can not overlook, because it will depend the results that we will get.

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