Friday, March 25, 2011

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A marriage and two brothers who have lived through together explain transplant patients on the waiting list the benefits of donation

Rosario and Ariolfo are a couple who heard about the possibility of giving live on the Internet looking for information. Only 40 days ago that the second has donated his kidney to the first. She initially did not want, because I was afraid that the health of her husband resented in the future. But it was he who convinced her that nothing bad would happen. Moreover, Ariolfo not hesitate to say that "if I had a third kidney also donate to my wife's aunt who is on dialysis or anyone who may need it. Even my doctor plated cross a donation because he had seen on the internet that had been done in Barcelona. "

Before the operation, when people commented on his idea was shared by few. According to Rosario, "the fear caused by the ignorance of not knowing things, is what makes people not dare to live donation."

The night before surgery, Rosario was nervous about what might happen to her husband. However, reiterates that no Ariolfo moment he felt afraid. Further, said that the night before the operation was very happy because at last the time had come to help his wife. Upon awakening from anesthesia, the first thing he did was ask Rosario the status of your husband, not yours. Ariolfo, a day after he was involved "escaped through the corridors of the hospital half dizzy to go see his wife."

Hilario received a kidney from his brother Julio in December 2010. Hilary did not want to receive an organ from his brother "went wrong because if I could carry my brother's life." When he got home and I told his wife he found his She replied that she was first, before his brother.

Now, after the intervention, Hilary advises people "to do so without fear, my brother is great and I'm terrific." Moreover feel that the relationship with his brother has changed, "Now the two are one. It is as if we were twins. " Regarding the quality of life you have now, particularly appreciates things like "the pleasure is to drink a glass of water or eat a soup broth, because before I had to eat the noodles with a fork."

Julio was clear from day one to be giving your brother Hilario. He also claims that at no time felt fear, among other things because "the doctors had always made it clear that donor safety premium. So people should not be afraid to donate while still alive. "

Rosario, Ariolfo, Hilario and July will be the "living witness" to explain to patients awaiting a transplant the advantages of living donor transplantation. How did you hear that there was a possibility of living donation? ? What fears had each? What thought and advised them to family and friends? Is the donor's health suffered since? How did they live donor and recipient together the night before the transplant? Why do you think that people are afraid to be a living donor? How has life changed since donor and recipient?

To answer these and other issues, one of these couples will be available to journalists upon request of interview on Tuesday 29 March at 11:30 at the headquarters of the National Federation ALCER (C / Don Ramón de la Cruz 88 , Low).

same day the two couples will participate in the forum with LIFE, a journey that led by the National Federation ALCER and the ONT will be held at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal de Madrid and in which from 18:00 h at 20 : 00h, doctors and patients transplanted kidney teach what exactly and what are the benefits of living donor kidney transplant (TRDV), renal transplantation and transplantation cross chain.

According to the ONT in Spain were in total 2,328 2,009 kidney transplants, of which 235 were made possible by the participation of living donors, a record in our country. In the nineties, such donations did not exceed 20 per year. Since 2002, twenty-three health centers can make a schedule TRDV.

In Spain, the donations are made mainly between parents and children (45%), followed by between spouses (31%), sibling (16%) of children to parents (4%) and other (4%). Of these grants, 66% are made by women and 34% men

Those attending this forum with the VIDA receive information about TRDV process (procedures, tests, etc.) as well as the general requirements to qualify for a TRDV. Also be informed about the peculiarities of the extraction of organ graft donor and the receiver, risks, complications, etc.

The insufficient number of donors to eliminate waiting lists, increasing the average age of donors and the limited supply of kidneys young, have prompted the launch of live donor programs. This type of donation has advantages such as profit psychological to the donor by the act of solidarity and altruistic who has starred in, the better chance of successful transplantation, the possibility of early renal transplant without going through dialysis, shorten the time spent on the waiting list and increased retention of the transplanted organ compared to cadaver organs.

The Nephrologist is who should inform patients about the possibility of TRDV, including information about the immediate and long-term risks and the chances of success. There is also need to sign a donor and recipient consent, written and freely made without coercion of any kind and nature revocable (before extraction). It is therefore essential to review the motivation of the donor, ensuring that there is no evidence of coercion, or possible economic motivation whatsoever.

whole process of living donation in Spain is protected by a series of legal, informational and procedural. In addition, the hospital's ethics committee which is extracted and the transplant must oversee the whole process. Likewise, the Civil Registry Judge of the locality where the extraction and transplantation should be performed to check that all requirements are met as required by law.


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