Friday, March 25, 2011

Glory Holes, Long Island

22 million suffer from chronic illness

About 22 million English suffer from some type of chronic disease and 70% of health spending is attributed to the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of such diseases, as highlighted by the experts at the Forum on Management Chronic Patient, organized by the European Institute of Health and Welfare, in collaboration with Novartis. Ever more chronic patients due to an aging population and improved treatment, "the president of the European Institute of Health and Social Welfare, Manuel de la Peña, who warns that, for this reason, it is necessary "to address the problem of chronic patient management."
is estimated that 80% of primary care consultations and 60% of hospital admissions are for chronic diseases. In turn, after 75 years a higher percentage than 50% have four or more chronic diseases, many of these patients is polypharmacy, ie between 7 and 10 take drugs every day. "In Spain we have one of the best internationally recognized health systems, but is geared mostly to the care of acute. Given that about 70 percent health budget corresponds to the management of chronic conditions is necessary to redirect, "the deputy chief medical officer Care Quality and Control of Hospital de La Ribera of Alzira Valencia, David Cuesta.
To this end, experts agree that the key is "optimize health resources" and "enhance self-management plans, which involve the patient in understanding and managing their own illness." You have to bet on the coordination between primary and specialized care to avoid duplication of conducting diagnostic tests, "says de la Peña, who believes in this regard is" important "the implementation of digital.Asimismo history, This specialist insists that the patient must be aware about their disease and "take a more active" management. Because of this, "key" pathology education, enabling, in turn, "related measures promoting a healthy lifestyle."

-The Role of Telemedicine
regard to possible innovations in the management of chronic patients, de la Peña emphasizes the role of telemedicine as an element that allows you to "collect analytical data, based on that" to take necessary decisions to improve health care quality. "In addition, another of the alternatives raised by the President of the European Institute of Health and Social welfare is "targeting primary care more" to give it as electrocardiography tests, which enable the monitoring of patient care at this level.


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