Friday, March 25, 2011

Mild Fatty Liver And Bladder Polyp


held in March European Cancer Month Colon and the next day 31, it commemorates the World Day of this disease. Colon cancer is the most common malignant tumor in Spain, considering both sexes, and the second leading cause of cancer death. This contrasts with the high cure rate if diagnosed early, it can be cured in 90% of cases if detected early.

In this sense, requires more effort and drive to implement mass screening programs and early detection. Screening programs through analysis of faecal occult blood could save over 3,600 lives annually and reduce mortality by 30%. However, 2010, only 11% of the English population over 50 years was included in mass screening programs for colon cancer.

To raise awareness among professionals and authorities, as well as society at large about the importance of these screening programs, the Alliance for the prevention of colon cancer has organized the Day 'Barriers to implementation of screening colon cancer in Spain ', next Wednesday, March 30 at the Hospital ClĂ­nico San Carlos of Madrid. This Day has the support of the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid and the Royal Academy of Medicine (RANM).

Professionals from all over Spain will present the experiences of his region and the main challenges identified for the implementation of population screening for colon cancer. The participation of representatives from fourteen CC. AA. different, which also partners in this day-is a milestone in this field. It also will release a statement by the Alliance on the attention to high-risk population for colorectal cancer.


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