Friday, March 25, 2011

My Blender Smells Of Buring

Leading experts in management and financing analyze key health to meet the financial needs of the Spanish health system

Leading experts in management and health financing discussed on Monday at the Day of Study on Health Financing in Spain, the keys to successfully meet future financial needs of the national health system, so as to maintain improve their levels of coverage and excellence. Thus, during this meeting organized by Bamberg and Lilly Foundation, which is held in the Aula Magna of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), will present ideas to enrich the current debate over the sustainability of national health systems in Europe and countries economic and cultural environment of Spain.

By organizing this conference, the Foundation Bamberg, who was born with the aim of promoting rational use of health technologies, continues to promote actions to achieve improved effectiveness and efficiency of the health system, involving professionals, authorities and society in general. On the other firstly, to improve the quality of life of patients is the main objective of Lilly. And for this, among other actions, the company promotes programs and forums to facilitate exchange of knowledge and where solutions are analyzed and initiatives related to health, management and financing, as is the case at this meeting. In the words of Eric Patrouillard, senses of Lilly Spain, "The areas of discussion are essential to propose alternatives to improve the healthcare system and exchange knowledge, so from Lilly promote meetings to facilitate these discussions."

In that sense, this is the second time that Lilly and Bamberg Foundation collaborate in organizing a conference reflection. Last year they organized the day of study the present and future of universal health care system in which health policy makers discussed the opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses of these systems funded from the general state budget.

-A full day with a major presence
health authorities to address the issue of health financing in Spain has designed a program in which experts in management and financing in the health field, from different institutions, associations, and entities as well as prominent professors of health economics, economics applied, managers and directors of clinical management, and international experts. Through his extensive knowledge on the subject, analyzing different aspects of health financing, and the possibilities that can be explored to improve the system, the relationship between national income, financing and public budgets, existing initiatives to move towards management efficient or consideration of alternative financial models and the different international experiences that exist in this regard.

In order to analyze in depth all these issues with the participation of former Health Minister Julian Garcia Vargas, the deputy general Farmaindustria, Javier Urzay, the president of Lilly, Eric Patrouillard, the president of the Foundation Bamberg, Ignacio Rodriguez-For Santana, the president of the International Association of Health, Marciano Sanchez Bayle, the president of the English Organization of Hospitals and Services Health Bonel José Soto, the president of the English Association of Health Economics, Juan Oliva Moreno, and Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Pompeu Fabra, Guillem López-Casanova. International experts also the size of the executive member of the National Association of Primary Care (UK), Charles Alessi.


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