Friday, March 25, 2011

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A protein that discriminates cellular waste, a key to aging

La proteína lamp2, que es como una antena que determina in a cell what is junk from what is not, is seen as key in cellular aging, as explained to Efe researcher Ana Maria Cuervo, one of the world's leading experts in autophagy, or cell cleaning process.
Cuervo, co-director of the Institute for the Study of Aging at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (USA), has assisted in Barcelona at an international meeting on cell renewal that has brought together 150 international experts in mitochondrial autophagy, a field of science in less than five years has acquired great importance in the study of cellular aging.
This research has demonstrated the importance of LAMP2 to achieve in his laboratory turn cell cleaning system in the liver of mice, which has achieved 22 months, equivalent to 80 years of an adult, the body behaves as if it had six months to ten years in an adult. Rejuvenation was achieved
repairing LAMP2, a protein in lysosomes, which are cleaning the compartments which will stop the cellular waste. To this end, mice were put back more of this protein, which encodes a gene that is activated when you were 22 months old, which began to see a decrease in the level of LAMP2. Ana Maria Cuervo
remarked that have found that with age the lower levels of this protein and reduce the ability to discriminate what is junk or not, until finally eliminating stops and the cell stops working well.
According to Raven, director of the only research group working in the LAMP2, aging these proteins are reduced to 50%, and could avoid the problems of the age when managed to keep 80%.
are now working on physiological aging to see if this copy of LAMP2 protein than the mice live longer, but at the level of all organs including the brain, which would be very important in pathologies such as Alzheimer's.
To do this, have developed mice that had been introduced at more embryonic a copy of this protein that is activated when they are 12-16 months. The study completed by the end of 2012, and then crossed these mice with others with Alzheimer's to see if there is also a brain rejuvenation.
In the laboratory of Dr. Crow is also studied what diet is most appropriate to preserve this protein because its stability is related to lipids, fatty membrane surrounding the protein, and food is very important.
He recalled that only prolongs the life with a calorie restriction of 60% or eat every two days, but this can not be done in humans, although it has been proven to work.
works because if eat less spend less and have less waste, and we know that cleaning systems are activated when they eat, and that the liver activates the system between lunch and dinner.
also work in the search for drug compounds that have the same effect as eating little and study what types of changes in diets, with less fat and sugar, are better for stabilizing lamps2.
In parallel, they are analyzing the existing pharmacological principles for clinical use to see if they are able to keep young LAMP2, and expect any results before 2012.
If studies confirm the results expected for this protein, in five years could be in the market a compound that works and can be used as a rejuvenator.
There are already a compound, rapamycin, which is used as an immunosuppressant in transplantation, but can not be used in other cases because it affects the immune system.
On the importance of lamps2, Dr. Raven has clarified that the cancer cells to double or triple lamps that the cells around them, and that this cleanup makes them work better and stronger. ** EFE


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