Friday, March 25, 2011

What Does B(m) C/d Shoe Si

Free Course to learn and to prescribe drugs for allergies

Spring in Spain is synonymous with allergies. There is no data to go on to realize this: Of the patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis, 50% suffered from perennial allergic rhinitis and 50% seasonal allergic rhinitis. In addition, 84% of patients with allergic rhinitis coexist with the annoying nasal congestion. Therefore, and for pharmacists to provide better information to their customers, Asefarma, one of the Pharmacy Consulting leaders of our country (http:// ) and has more than 300 pharmacies as customers, organized by the hand of the Laboratory MSD and Dr. Eduardo Junco, "Allergy, a systemic disease," a workshop. "In spring, pollen counts, grasses and other allergens own rise considerably this season causing many cases of people suffering from seasonal allergies (hay fever) with nasal congestion. In Spain there are a large number of people who do not know they have seasonal allergies and do not come the doctor for diagnosis if they are going to the pharmacy and self-medicate. Thus some patients may be confused thinking they have a cold, being a very similar symptoms, and follow a wrong treatment, "explains Belinda Jimenez de los Santos, Head of Procurement of Asefarma.

"The best advice
So what things Asefarma want to accomplish with this conference is to update the information for all those working in a pharmacy within its functions are to advise and assist customers who buy products for VET allergy relief. "Pharmacists have information, but being a seasonal item, and the supply of drugs is updated, it is advisable to be well prepared to advise patients and stay updated on the supply of VET drugs available, "added Jimenez de los Santos. "Within the VET supply of medicines for the treatment of seasonal allergy with nasal congestion, there is great variety, so it is important difierenciar components and the effects produced by each. For example the drug can offer you a patient who wants to have an effective and practical relief to continue their normal activities without getting sleepy. "

The seminar will focus on these content
- infectious and noninfectious rhinitis
- viral rhinitis, influenza, common cold.
- Types of non-infectious rhinitis: Pollinosis
- Antihistamines: Histamine Antagonists HI, HII antagonists
- Antihistamines Decongestants

Regarding the Asefarma tandem to carry out this course with MSD Laboratory, noted that was due to excellent reputation and long experience of the company. "It is a laboratory with a solid background and drug recognized for many years in health and patient care. It also has a variety of solutions for patients with different types of allergy and knows the needs of patients and which drugs are the most recommended for each type of allergy, "said Asefarma responsible." Prior to the lecture there will be a catering courtesy of MSD. " __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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